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Resolve’s work with individuals naturally transitions into work at the community level. After approximately 6 months of Tier One activities, Resolve begins to help strengthen the capacity of local service committees and conflict resolution mechanisms. Resolve helps facilitate the development of oversight for community committees, ensuring they are representative of the community and that the voices of the most vulnerable and marginalized members of the community are heard.


Development Projects


Co-op members take on leadership roles in Tier Two activities, utilizing their dialogue facilitation and project planning skills to guide discussions within their villages to identify community needs. Together, they propose, discuss, evaluate, and eventually vote on which solutions to implement as community-led development projects. Past Resolve development projects have included irrigation systems, clean drinking water, seed sharing systems, experimental agricultural fields, sanitary latrines, secure markets, schools, voter education, health education, and support to health centers. Other communities choose to use their funds to expand and repeat the Resolve model with new participants, providing others with the same opportunities they benefited from. 

These community-based initiatives improve life far beyond the initial participants in the first tier of Resolve programming. This multiplier effect means that more people are able to produce higher crop yields, reduce their risk of disease, and actively engage in civic activities. With the program impact extending beyond the co-op members, social cohesion and conflict resilience spreads further in the community.


Dialogue and Solutions


Community members also develop an understanding of common grievances, and potential alternative options. With an increase of social cohesion present throughout the community, dialogue sessions can begin to address difficult and charged conflicts. Such dialogue sessions have included issues of governance, community reconciliation, structural violence, the organization of power, and social and economic reintegration. Community dialogue sessions raise and reinforce community members' capacity to address and negotiate grievances and respond to threats; most importantly, it is also an entry point to discussing solutions.



© 2020 by Resolve Network. 

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